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Hi Manas,

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 2:59 PM, Manas Ranjan <> wrote:

Hi Mirek,

I have added another alternative approach for scrolling in the same page (

We can show hovering (or static) scroll buttons in the scrollable area.

In this case, I would prefer to rather go with the original proposal 4, as
the idea is the same, only the arrows take up less space as they're on the
same line (max. 1 row), and it's faster to navigate in the opposite
direction, as the navigation buttons are right next to each other (the
mouse cursor doesn't have to travel all the way to the opposite end to go
the other way).

I have also suggested two more changes:
1. Making the "Automatic" color to span the width.

I would prefer not to, as that would overpower the color preview, which
should be the most dominant item in the popover.

Another thing to keep in mind is that, in some cases, the default will be
"None". We still need to decide on a visualization of "None" -- Inkscape
shows an X, which would look awkward stretched out as a background.

2. Highlighting the selected palette.
It's not a bad idea, but I would opt for a flat background instead --
either a darker gray or a blue.

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