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On Mon, 2012-05-21 at 09:34 -0700, Jonathan Ryshpan wrote:
On Sun, 2012-05-20 at 01:48 +0200, Mirosław Zalewski wrote:
Sorry about pointing to another thread, but you may find this useful.
Poster there managed to connect OpenOffice with sqlite file. I believe the
same should work for LO.

As far as I can tell, you will need (aside from LO, of course) unixodbc and 
libsqliteodbc packages. At least that's how they are called in Debian;
I don't know about Fedora, but perhaps they have similar names. 
Thanks very much for the pointer.  I attempted to follow the
instructions, installing the SQLite ODBC Driver, but I have installation
I have been able to establish a connection between libreOffice base and
my database, using sqliteodbc and unixODBC (which are the names on
Fedora).  I have not been able to use libiodbc, which serves the same
function as unixODBC and is the default driver on KDE, probably because
of documentation problems; libiodbc runs fine on all the KDE
applications that require it, but not for libreOffece and me.

But the database doesn't look like what I had expected it to: sqlite
databases contain within themselves the names and data types of all the
entries, but when libreOffice opens the database, there is no such data
visible.  Am I missing something.  A dump of the database using 
"$ sqlite3 <archive>.sdb .dump" looks fine.  Is this what I should expect,
or is something wrong, or am I missing something?

Thanks - jon

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