I am a Drupal person that Jon Zasch mentioned to us in the community that you guys may be moving
towards a CMS and that Drupal could work for you. I will mention that Drupal does localization
right out of the box and with a few contributed modules you could have a fully localized solution.
Will keep monitoring the list and chime in as needed :-)
Robbie (The Geek) Holmes
On Sep 29, 2010, at 2:59 PM, Carolina Flores Hine wrote:
2010/9/29 Danishka Navin <danishka@gmail.com>
Hi Joaquà n,
On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 11:43 PM, Joaquà n Bruno Huete
I am new in here but if for this translations there is no need of a
computer literacy I can offer my help with the Spanish version if
I am sure, the Spanish community will help you. :)
I think Florian is doing a great job and trying to cope with all the
development going on on the list. But as soon as we move to CMS we could
have more flexibility with localizing the site.
*Alexandro Colorado*
*OpenOffice.org* Español
I'm trying to imagine how it may be to receive all this e-mails saying "I
want to help". It takes a lot of effort to manage and coordinate all our
enthusiasm so... maybe there's a possibility to name an "area coordinator"
for marketing and communications (I'm just saying a name...) so we all can
be helpful instead of impatient :-)
If this is not a good idea... just forget about it.
"amar es combatir, es abrir puertas, dejar de ser fantasma con un número a
perpetua cadena condenado por un amo sin rostro" (Octavio Paz)
Usuaria Gnu/Linux 447868
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- Re: [tdf-discuss] website improvements (continued)
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