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At 15:04 22/03/2014 -0500, Dale Erwin wrote:
I have a master document with 50 sub-documents. The problem I am having is that the sub-documents are not rendered the same way when opened separately as when opened in the master document.
Surely that is how master documents work?  The master document, for 
example, defines the page style; consequently such properties of the 
subdocuments as headers and footers and margins are overridden by 
those defined for the master document.  In addition, new styles in 
subdocuments are automatically imported into a master document, but 
similarly named styles do not overwrite existing styles there.  So 
styled text can change its appearance - including, obviously, size 
and thus layout - as it appears in the master document.
... at the top of the page, on left (even numbered) pages, there appears the first word on the page, left-justified, in slightly larger font, and on right (odd numbered) pages, the last word on the page, right-justified and in slightly larger font. [...] ... I have used the first line on each page for this purpose with the regular text pushed down and beginning on the fourth line.
There is really no such thing in word-processing terms as lines on a 
page, only vertical spacing.  (Lines went out with typewriters.)  So 
you shouldn't be thinking of "the fourth line" in this context.  You 
might well do better to set whatever spacing you need as "spacing 
below paragraph" in the paragraph styles you use for your headings.
This has a very aesthetically pleasing appearance in the sub-documents, but in the master document the line spacing is obviously not rendered in the same way so that on some pages in the master document, the first line will be what was the last line in the previous page of the sub-document, pushing the headline word down... and obviously unusable.
You might be able to improve the effect you need by paying attention 
to the particular way you achieve in the subdocuments the layout you 
need, as suggested above.  Your mention of "a very aesthetically 
pleasing appearance" is a giveaway: you need to pay attention to the 
structure of your subdocuments, not just their appearance, if you 
want them to carry over appropriately into the master document.  Does 
your text simply flow from page to page, for another example, or do 
you use explicit page breaks (possibly included as a paragraph or 
paragraph style property)?  Better the latter.
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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