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In Calc I always enter in format yy/mm/dd and it appears in the format of the cell, so far for every format I have d used. In the Calc cells I never use yy/mm/dd format.

On 2012-12-30 9:46, Dan Lewis wrote:
On 12/29/2012 03:28 PM, Girvin R. Herr wrote:
I noted that after I updated LO from 3.5.7 to 3.6.4, the Base date entry format flexibility has changed. With a 3.5.7 (and before) Base form, I could enter 12-29-12 and it would be changed to 12/29/12. With 3.6.4, entering 12-29-12 will result in a strange date, as if it were interpreting the dashes as a formula and maybe subtracting the numbers. Okay, I could live with that because it was apparent that the date was incorrect. But now I see this is resulting in a Java error when I accidentally use dashes and try to save the record. I get "Java.lang.IllegalArgumentException" errors. Even that could be worked around, if the error message had any diagnostics, such as the offending date. However, this is all I get. No SQL. No indication as to what the problem really is. I got a clue by doing a web search and found a similar error with dates and put two-and-two together to determine the real cause. I guess my complaint is that between 3.5 and 3.6, the error messages stopped putting diagnostic data into the message. Has anyone else seen this "feature"?
Is there an option somewhere to add the diagnostics to error messages?

Note that I tried entering 12-29-12 into a Calc date cell where the format was "MM/DD/YY" and it kept the dashes.
Girvin Herr
If you are going to use a date format with hyphens, perhaps learning to use this format: YYYY-MM-DD. This is recognized by both Base and Calc. (Probably by most databases and spreadsheets.

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