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Hi,It is a bit hard to guess what is going on without actually seeing
the file. Can you e-mail it to me?Two things come to mind:-
Calculations are in manual mode and the cells are not re-calculated.
You can see the status in Data > Calculate (or try F9 to force
recalculation)- Conditional formatting that overrides the cell text
color because an entry is invalid (year greater than 2020?). You can
try to copy a blank cell and paste the value in the cell elsewhere
(using Paste Special). You can then see if the calculation is done and
if it's only a formatting issue.- A calculation or data element is
wrong and the cell formula prevents wrong outputs to be shown
(something like =IFERROR(something,"")). You can use the Detective
(Tools > Detective > Trace Precendents) to find which cells control
which and find the source issueI hope this helps.Rémy.


I tried copy/paste special-numbers and the number showed up.

I tried Data/Calculate/Recalculate hard and that did nothing.

I tried Tools/Detective/Trace Precedents, and nothing obvious showed up.

I think it's a formatting issue, but it's strange that it would show up out
of the blue, all of a sudden, when before, it was working just fine.

I've attached a copy of the file with (I hope) sensitive information
deleted. I am seeing the same problems in this file as in the original. I
would be interested to see whether you find that the numbers show up for
you. I have a suspicion that they will.

I'll be able to reboot my computer shortly, and I will report back as to
whether that fixed the issue. Of course, that won't tell me what the issue

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