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On 12.08.19 18:03, Paul Menzel wrote:
Dear Michael,

On 12.08.19 17:55, Michael Stahl wrote:
On 12.08.19 17:50, Paul Menzel wrote:
On 12.08.19 11:07, Michael Stahl wrote:
The file is indeed not there.

$ find . -name "*.rng"
are you using tarballs to build?
Yes, of course. ;-)

i believe the schema files are not in the tarballs, intentionally,
because they are not available with a FLOSS license.

so you can either disable the validation, build from a git clone, or
copy the schema directory manually...
Since when is that the case? At least until LibreOffice it worked.
apparently since

commit 34dced99c33a97dab86c4538fa267ad4ad4fb41f
Author:     Thorsten Behrens <>
AuthorDate: Tue Aug 30 13:18:18 2016 +0200

    Ignore schema files for src tarball generation
which should be much older than 6.1?

So, tarball users should not run `make check`?
just disable the validation, --without-export-validation

actually i guess it would be ideal if the configure script would just check if the schemas are there or not, because it's a waste of time to run into the problem via test failures, see for a patch to do that.


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