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In preview you can split and join PDFs. Print the individual page or groups of pages you want as a pdf. Then in preview open the first pdf, drag subsequent PDFs into the thumbnail side bar viewer thingy in the order you want and then save the whole thing as your new PDF.
As for editing, if the text is text, I can edit it in Draw.
If the text is an image, opening in Gimp enables me to delete the current text (to a white background) and then type in new text with the text tool. From Gimp I can print to file as a PDF.
Then join the PDFs in Preview.


On 15/08/11 8:44 AM, R. Derek Pattison wrote:
So to clear a couple things up, first I am on a Mac, not Linux. Secondly, there is no particular 
reason I /have/ to use LibreOffice to edit the PDFs, I could use another PDF editor, but since 
OpenOffice was a suggestion given in a GoogleSearch, and I already used LibreOffice, I thought I 
would try it. Also, I was hoping to use something free, since this is not for anything 
professional, just for personal purposes.

I’ve used Preview on my Mac, and it does like 75% of what I want, but the ability to copy pages 
from one PDF to another and merge them or cut one PDF into multiple ones eludes me, which is why I 
was trying with LibreOffice. But as I said, it tends to try and read the pictures of words as text, 
and since the scans aren’t that great, it ends up just being gobbledygook.

I tried the plugin suggested in a previous post, but that was already installed in my default 
install of LibreOffice.

I will try GIMP and maybe some other image editors and see if they work for what I need. Any other 
suggestions are welcome!


On Aug 14, 2011, at 2:44 PM, Steve Edmonds wrote:

Hi Tom.
You should be able to "Print to PDF" from Gimp.

On 15/08/11 6:34 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Ahah, I edit pictures and stuff in Pdfs using Gimp.  Draw might do it and now
the official Draw documentation has been released i might be a bit more happy
about trying Draw.  The problem with doing this using Gimp is that i can't save
as pdf from Gimp.

Regards from
Tom :)

From: Johnny Rosenberg<>
Sent: Sun, 14 August, 2011 7:34:13
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Opening PDF files in Draw

2011/8/14 planas<>:
Hi Derek,

On Sat, 2011-08-13 at 22:22 -0400, R. Derek Pattison wrote:

Hi Jorge,

Basically I want to do some minor editing of the pictures in the PDF. Delete
some pages, move some from one document to another, delete parts of pages. The
problem is that LibreOffice is trying to interpret the text in the images as
text and that makes it unreadable. I just want to edit them as images.

Why do you need to do that in LibreOffice? There are other software
out there, you know… Tried PDF edit? If you have Ubuntu it's in the
repositories (or ”sudo apt-get install pdfedit” in a terminal).


Johnny Rosenberg

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