Italo, our branding is pretty clear in LibreOffice’s Start Center
(also one of the first things users see), icons, and About screen. I
don’t know why you think is “weak” (whatever that means) as we’ve got
coverage in many of the world’s news sources.
(Look, I have a reason to call our branding “weak”: TDF decided to
unilaterally put there a meaningless, in-your-face number “5”, and
throw away our brand colors, without consulting designers who
submitted designs.)
If we’re to keep an obsolete UI paradign such as the splash screen, it
should at least be minimal, as Mirek suggested years ago [1]
2015-10-05 9:27 GMT-05:00 Italo Vignoli <>:
Are you kidding? We need LibreOffice branding as much we need drinking
water as human beings. Our brand, for a number of reasons, including the
fact tha we do not have enough brand exposure, is a weak one in most
geographies. If you do not like the splash screen, you can switch it off
(as explained in the thread). Normal end users MUST see the splash
screen (do you have an idea of how many LibreOffice users still call the
software OpenOffice?).
On 05/10/2015 16:21, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos wrote:
Kill the splash screen with fire! Branding? Come on, we have plenty.
Italo Vignoli - Marketing & PR
mobile +39.348.5653829 - email / jabber
hangout / jabber - skype italovignoli
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