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Piet van Oostrum wrote:
edo1 wrote:

  > I hate to ask this, since I thought of myself as pretty competent in Calc.
  > But here goes:
  > I can't run even the simplest functions in the spreadsheet. E.g, =3-2 shows
  > up in the designated cell as a text string "=3-2" rather than the digit 1. I
  > also get text strings instead of proper results for =SUM(A1:A10),  say, and
  > all other functions. This happens in LO as well as in ver. 4.3.5,
  > which previously worked fine. A virus scan of the LO installation folder
  > turned up nothing. Since I haven't used Calc for a long time, I'm reluctant
  > to go back to a previous restore point without trying some other things
  > first. Can anyone suggest what I might do now? I'm running Win7x64. - edo1

Check your preferences, I guess this is Tool->Options on Windows.

then LibreOffice Calc->View->Display-> uncheck Formulas
Another possibility is that the cells are formatted as "Text", rather 
than "General" or a numerical format. Make sure they're formatted as 
either General or the required numerical format before entering the 
"General" is usually the default for all cells in new documents, but it 
is possible to change the default template.

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