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At 00:59 07/09/2011 +0100, Linda L. Hull wrote:
I pasted some addresses to a blank writer page, and did format > columns, selected 3 columns. The columns look fine, but I can't click below them in the page. I tried pasting the material again, same result, and also pasting the material from vi(m). How do I get it to let me write the letter below the columns?
Did you have anything selected when you set 
Format | Columns... to 3?  If not, I think you 
will have given your (Default?) page style three 
columns.  But if you selected the text before 
doing so, you will instead have created a section 
with three columns.  In this latter case, you may 
well find the cursor appears to be stuck inside 
the section and not see how to get it outside and 
after the section.  If you press Enter, you 
simply create new empty paragraphs inside the 
section, which expands to allow this.
Two alternative solutions:
o Before setting three columns, press Enter at the end of your text to create an empty paragraph. Take care *not* to include this in the selected text when you set three columns. o Put the cursor at the end of the text in the three-column section. Press Alt+Enter. Voilà!
I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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