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On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Khaled Hosny <> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 06:34:59PM +0700, Robert M Campbell wrote:
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Khaled Hosny <>
My hope is to not add more than a few KB per font, if at all possible.
language support shouldn't be 'include 9 million glyphs of various
types and what-not'. We just need basic support for Thai, Khmer, and Lao,
so the simpler / smaller, the better. If they want some other font, they
should install it IMHO. Hopefully, someday, there'll be a nice all
font that isn't too big. Until then...

Another Q - where exactly am I patching? When I helped with the ICU
a archive was added to the web server and the download.list was used. In
that case, the only patch would be for the download.list. Or, should we
have a font contribution subfolder/submodule that contains each font in
master that contains all of the embedded fonts? That way in review
people can look at the font and determine if it's a good idea to add and
open and etc...
Check external/more_fonts/*


I created these files, but still will need someone to upload the files to
the web folder... Check out

I'll commit to gerrit once they are online (so I point to the right url in
the download.lst)...


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