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At 05:45 09/09/2014 -0400, William Drago wrote:
This is what Brian is trying to explain...
I was doing more than try! And no: what you 
suggest here is not what I was saying.
You've got 6 samples. The first one taken at 12:04PM, the last one at 12:36PM. The total elapsed time is 12:36PM - 12:04PM = 22 minutes.
Er that's *thirty*-two minutes , not twenty-two, by my arithmetic.

22 divided by 5 (always the total number of readings minus 1) = 6.4 minutes or 6m and 24s per interval.
Good: but only as long as it's 32, not 22, we are dividing.

Adding 6:24 to 12:04PM gives you the time of the second reading, 12:10:24PM. Enter that value into cell B2. Now we make the computer do the work for all remaining readings.
Why do a manual calculation for the first value 
(where you could easily make mistakes - oh, you 
did!) and only then "make the computer do the 
work"? The computer can do all the work.
Follow these instructions carefully:
Why not follow my instructions instead (which are 
quite different), where a formula does all the 
calculation for you, not just the last bit?
But chacun à son goût!

Brian Barker
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