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Hi Andras,

thanks for your mail - it's a good reminder that something should be
finalized. So I CC the Design team as well to quickly come up with a
decision ...

Am Dienstag, den 01.03.2011, 11:21 +0100 schrieb Andras Timar:
Hi Cristoph,

I'm working on bug to
make LibreOffice official color names localizable.
Cool, thanks for that!

But first I need to
make sure that English names are right. See:

Can you please confirm that the official names of these colors are Libre
Green, Libre Blue, etc., Libre Green Accent, Libre Blue Accent etc.?
Some time ago, I've started with "Libre" for the color names, but this
is sometimes cumbersome when working in Inkscape or LibreOffice. Thus,
we've omitted to use it - according to the table in our wiki [1].

My question to the team is: Is e.g. "Green 1" okay in comparison to
"Libre Green 1"? On the one hand, it is easier to grasp when using the
colors, on the other hand, LibO does not provide any further information
on the currently used color palette.

In the LibO case, I'd go for "adding Libre" - you take? (+1/-1/0)

Two more things:
1. Wow! We have an own OpenGrok? Cool, didn't knew that!

2. The gray shades are missing in the table - these are not necessarily
part of the official branding palette, but very helpful when working on
documents (rationale: changing palettes in LibO is still time consuming,
so the basic colors should be included). Should this be filed as an



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