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Thanks again for your answer - nothing to argue about because the matter is secondary. I had already read the HSQLDB v2.2 guid that you refer to. And as far as I can understand the 'yyyy' ought to be as sufficient as 'year'. Here is a copy that confirms it:
/Table 10.1. TO_CHAR, TO_DATE and TO_TIMESTAMP format elements
RRRR 4-digit year
*YYYY 4-digit year*
YY 2 digit year/
Means that LO-Base shall definitely not stop working if 'yyyy' is used -- which is also the normal format in most other calculating programs. And surely it has to do with LibreO(-Base) if it is a feature of HSQLDB that is embedded in LibreO -- I did load LibreO not HSQLDB. Go and take a look at your car. The car itself runs perfectly well without a steering wheel and the seats, but you as the user (driver) do need them; that is why they are installed (embedded) in the car.
You did not focus on my main issue: /_how to get a correct calculation 
Now you are wasting not only your time but also mine.
I remain waiting
Best regards
Pertti Rönnberg

On 16.2.2012 23:10, Andreas Säger wrote:
The problem has nothing to do with LibreOffice. It is a built-in function of
the HSQL database engine. I am sure that it is designed to work like this.
'yyyy' is not a valid argument for the datediff function.
This is the home page of that software:
Version 2.2 is documented here:
Version 1.8 is the "integrated" database engine of LibreOffice. Its
documentation seems to be gone by now.

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