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Will sessions be recorded? Or even live-streamed?


On 01/02/2024 18:32, Alexander Brateanu wrote:
Dear LibreOffice design-team,

we would be thrilled to welcome participants from LibreOffice design at
our new event *FOSS Backstage Design* where we want to take a deep dive
into UX Design in free and open source software.

The one day event takes place on March 6th, the day after FOSS
Backstage, in Berlin at the Wikimedia Germany office.

      _The program_

**The single track event features 13 sessions from 16 international
speakers who will be presenting on topics such as: *design methods*,
*user research*, how to incorporate *Design*into *product development*,
writing good *documentation*, testing and measuring *usability*and even
how to *design for XR*leveraging the power of OSS tools.

We will kick off the event with a keynote by Aparna Sundar
<> in which she
will share her experience on how to increase the human element in open
source software. Aparna willdiscuss the ways in which software engineers
or developers, designers, community and product managers can adopt and
incorporate research practices in software design.

In addition to our amazing line-up of speakers and sessions there will
be plenty of *space and opportunity to exchange ideas*, discuss
challenges and meet other *people who care deeply about designing*for
*great user experience*

Checkout the full program on our website
<> and read
what our design experts *Eriol Fox*and *Scott Jenson*have to say about
why we
elevate design in FOSS

      _FOSS Backstage D_*_esign Tickets_***


**Tickets for #fossdesign are now available
<>. *A
Standard Ticket is 25€*but we also offer Reduced Tickets as well as
Supporter Tickets.
In case you also want to join the main conference on March 4-5 at bUm,
you can *add a discounted FOSS Backstage Design Ticket to your FOSS
Backstage ticket*order.

We hope to welcome attendees from LibreOffice design at FOSS Backstage

best regards,
The FOSS Backstage Design orga team – Anne, Sven, Paul & Alex

PS: #fossback and #fossdesign wouldn’t be possible without the support
of our partners. Learn more about sponsoring opportunities for both
eventshere <> — We are
also always happy to discuss options that are tailor made for your needs
and budget!

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