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On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 22:04 -0600, wrote:
Thanks for checking that last batch in.  Here is the next pattern to  
run through which picks up all of the guarded includes  
that are commented out.

exp = '//.*#ifndef.*_(?:H|HXX|HRC|HPP)_*[  
\t]*\/*.*\n(//.*#include.*\n)//.*#endif[ \t]*\/*.*\n'
        Neato - perhaps best to ask Petr about running this.

        I've removed the task from the Easy Hacks list ...

        Which reminds me ! :-) what else are you interested in working on ?
[ now those easy hacks are all done ]. It looks like you have some great
3D rendering skills, any interest in poking at the OO.o 3D code to
improve it ? no doubt we are missing bus-loads of 3D functionality we
could usefully use. [ Have you played with Draw and eg. creating
rotation shapes etc. ? ]

        All the best,


--  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot


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