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Hi all,
Le 19/09/2013 17:01, Jan Holesovsky a écrit :
Hi Laurent,

Caolán McNamara píše v Čt 19. 09. 2013 v 14:48 +0100:

I did not add id for added paragraph because I don't know how to do it.
I believe you just "make one up" that isn't already in use in that file.
i.e. its just got to be unique in that file.

I think there is some sort of help editor/macro/extension in existence,
but I'm very hazy on that. kendy probably knows.
I am not sure if / where the help editing extension lives today, but at
least the docu:

explains a bit; like that the paragraph id is mandatory, but no rules
how it should look like - just "The ID must be unique within a help file
so that referencing across files and relocating sections and paragraphs
across files is possible." :-)
If needed, I've the extension and the template to write help articles
within LO, I retrieve them some months ago from svn.


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