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Thanks for checking, bug gone it seems.
Cheers, Steve
On 2012-09-25 07:00, Gopi Krishna V wrote:
Apologies for my tardiness. The file is created with LO Version (Build ID: 932b512). OS: Win7 (probably immaterial).
Gopi Krishna V
Sr. Manager Admin
SoCtronics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 89 & 90, Road No.2,
Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad 500034, India.
P: +91 40 30615555
F: +91 40 30615560
M: +91 9912379998

*From: *"Gopi Krishna V" <>
*To: *"Steve Edmonds" <>
*Cc: *
*Sent: *Tuesday, 25 September, 2012 12:28:54 AM
*Subject: *Re: [libreoffice-users] File name curtailed

I tried this with LO writer in 'Save as' and also in the "export as PDF' It worked well and the file is created as file.1234.howtocook.odt or .pdf
Gopi Krishna V
Sr. Manager Admin
SoCtronics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Plot No. 89 & 90, Road No.2,
Banjara Hills,
Hyderabad 500034, India.
P: +91 40 30615555
F: +91 40 30615560
M: +91 9912379998


From: "Steve Edmonds" <>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 September, 2012 12:23:51 AM
Subject: [libreoffice-users] File name curtailed

I've noticed what seems to be a bug that has crept in somewhere where LO
curtails file names. Present in 3.5 line but we are not up to the 3.6
line yet so cannot test. I wonder if someone with 3.6 could check before
I file a bug.
We have been creating a series of documents, first ones are .sxw so its
been a long time, where the file name is something like
In the 3.5 line if you use the pdf button or "save as" the file name is
curtailed and it needs retyping to save. LO seems to search from the
left for the first '.' then chopping to the right instead of searching
from the right.
To test, create a new document, save as FILE.1234.howToCook.odt and then
press the PDF button or do a save as.
Thanks, Steve

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