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On 04/09/2011 06:26 PM, drew wrote:
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 15:31 -0700, Jeff Chimene wrote:
On 04/09/2011 01:14 PM, drew wrote:
On Sat, 2011-04-09 at 14:18 -0400, drew wrote:
Some alternatives to look at:

The original on the wiki now first

and with the ODF icon moved to the back cover, etc. 
Add one more to alternative for now, with a return of the icons...
then wait for a bit before I touch this again.
I like the third alternative.
Alright continuing from there - 
Did you try centering the version text on the front cover?
a few times...but that doesn't mean not to again
I think they back cover needs more work. I'll try the following:
o move each application icon proximate to the descriptive text;
o move the slogan and LibreOffice logo to the top of the page
Wonderful, the Math icon isn't in the xcf you have but it is in these

Not only swapped header / slogan on back but also doubled the text
blocks, so to bold the first line of each -

and one more, without the globe, just to see.

- note this is a full 25 meg jobby, so the xcf is actually faster to
pull down...

again, replace png w/xcf for source.


ps - the files got a little bigger,pngs are ~25 meg - for slower
connections grab the xcf files are now the faster way to go.
The -6 version is pretty sweet, I hate to admit it, but the front looks
good w/o the globe. Very clean.

I can tweak the back cover, but first I'll need to get the font.

I'm thinking that by reducing the ODF logo, moving the LibreOffice logo
to the top of the page, followed by the slogan, there will be enough
space to move the icons proximate to the descriptive text. One potential
pitfall is that the ODF logo is a square, and the other logos are

Maybe also drop the "North American...", "Multi-language..." and O/S
texts as they're already on the front. That would give more than enough
room to promote the LibO logo to the top of the page.

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