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On 21/12/16 22:56, Gary Dale wrote:
This is ridiculous. I've just been reading a question from a 2008 (3.2)
version of that is the same as my current problem. Namely
that you can't place images in the background on a business card.

I'm using LibreOffice 5.2 (Debian) and when I insert an image, it
refuses to go behind the text whether I select Arrange | Send to back or
Wrap | wrap through. It will go behind the text if I select Wrap | in
background but then it disappears. And no, before you ask, the paragraph
fill is set to none.

I finally found a setting in Format | Page | Transparency where setting
the transparency to 100% worked. Strangely the original setting was 50%
which resulted in the background image being hidden completely. A quick
experiment revealed that ANY setting other than 100% hid the background

I have no idea what this "feature" is for but it seems completely
unintuitive and in conflict with the paragraph background setting, not
to mention the wrap in background feature.

So my beef is:
1) Arrange doesn't appear to work on labels,
2) wrap through doesn't appear to work on labels,
3) there seems to be a page background that is in front of any
background image,
4) the transparency setting for that page background only has two values
- 100% or opaque, and
5) this situation has been around for at least 8 years without being fixed.

Why can't the developers address these basic problems?
If you use a table for your layout then placing an image in the
background behaves as you would wish. Sadly LibreOffice uses a
frame-based layout for labels and that might be where your problem lies.

I do not experience problems with my Avery business card stock using the
table based approach.

Peter HB

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