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On 02/14/2017 06:58 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
Today I upgraded my Slackware-14.1 workstation from LO-5.1 to -5.3 and I no longer have access to all the font subdirectories in /usr/share/fonts/. Instead I have what appear to be every south- and east-Asian language fonts.
  I need to remove those and restore the fonts I regularly use, such as
Baker Signet and Bitstream Amerigo.

My web searches suggest that LO automagically finds /usr/share/fonts/ and its contents, but that's not what happens here. I need to fix this situation
quickly and need advice from those with more intimate knowledge.


This is weird . . .

I did not see "tuffy" in the font list within LibreOffice till I looked into the usr/share/fonts/truetype and /opentype. I never knew I had some of these fonts till I looked. There are some of these fonts that were in my ".font" folder and also in the "usr/share/. . ." folder. Most of the ".font" folder fonts are not in the "usr/share/ . ." list.
The real question is  - how safe would it be to removed fonts in the 
"user/share/fonts/truetype" or "/opentype"? What would be the safest to 
do the add/remove using Ubuntu MATE 16.04?
I have added and removed fonts in the ".font" folder, sometime on a 
daily or weekly basis. I tend to have 300 to 500 ".ttf" and/or ".otf" 
files in the ".font" folder.  I tend to add special fonts into that 
folder as needed for a project.

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