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Hi Jeffrey,

On Fri, 2011-07-08 at 14:28 +0800, jeffrey chang wrote:

Proposed patch for,
Bug 38936. Many different locations for "Hori~zontal Ruler", but it
seems like only WriterCommands.xcu in
officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice needed to be modified. Now the
toolbar tab matches the title on the box when the box pops up.
The patch looks good & just pushed to master.

I assumed you were submitting this patch under LGPLv3+/MPL 1.1.  Can you
confirm this just to be sure?

Also, for future reference,

* please add [PATCH] to the subject when you are submitting a patch.  We
depend on that to filter for those mails with patches.  And

* please put your full name in your commit log.  We need that for record
keeping purposes.  For now, I've modified your name manually.

Thanks a lot.  We look forward to more patches from you in the
future. :-)


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc


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