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On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 11:18 +0100, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

I just wanted to touch base with others here as to the requirement for
hunspell in the build environment on MacoSX. Is it absolutely necessary
? I only ask this because OOo uses the MacOS spellchecker AFAIK and has
done for some while. Any comments ?
What I would expect to be the case, but as I'm not on Mac so someone
will have to check this out, is that while MaxOSX provides system
integration for spelling that LibreOffice can use, presumably
LibreOffice on MacOSX should still be able to support the
arch-independent LibreOffice dictionary extensions which require

e.g. if someone wants to install a spell-checker for languages which
LibreOffice supports but the OS might not. e.g. minority languages like
Gikuyu, Akan, Mossi, and so on.



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