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Dňa 22.08.2011 18:30, Mihkel Tõnnov  wrote / napísal(a):
2011/8/19 Andras Timar <>

Hi Milos,

2011.08.14. 10:32 keltezéssel, Milos Sramek írta:

How can one add new (language specific) autocorrect rules?
(Tools->Autocorrect options.../Localized options)

Different languages have different rules (for example, single letter
words in Slovak must not stay at the end of a line, which seems to be OK
in English) and it would be nice to have an option to specify them.
Currently, just two such rules exist, one for English and One for French.
AutoCorrect rules are implemented in
I doubt however, that your problem (single letter
words in Slovak must not stay at the end of a line) can be solved by
AutoCorrect rules.

It could if autocorrect for "<a single letter><space>" -> "<the same
letter><non-breaking space>" worked... Althought that's not exactly
"autocorrect rule" as such...
Thank you!

The required rule is similar to the existing French rule, so I'll give
it a try. Now I know where it is.


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