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On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 08:19 -0500, Fabián Rodríguez wrote:
On 11-01-14 12:05 PM, drew wrote:
On Fri, 2011-01-14 at 10:14 -0500, Fabián Rodríguez wrote:
On 11-01-14 12:31 AM, drew wrote:

T-Shirts - are folks looking at helping in the booth interested in
Hi Drew,

How about taking this up a small notch - and have polos ? Look better,
different tone.
Hi Fabián,

That would be nice, I already said a while back -"I want a golf shirt"..

No one is going to give these to us, but sure if folks want to flip for
polo shirts, of course it works.


Hi Drew,

I thought we could use for now, unless someone has a
better approach.

This would make lots of derived products instantly available, including
polo shirts and provide some financing. I can set it up but it's bound
to be trivial so if TDF already has some global Paypal account maybe
that'd be best.

In parallel we can search for a better deal/way/product/shop/etc.



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Fabián Rodríguez

Hi Fabian,

Actually I was just going to have a local guy do 3 or 4 shirts for the
folks in the booth.



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