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Zeki, I think that I managed to sort this out!

I resorted to reading the source code... The short answer is that the application's language setting determines how the compare is done for a case-insensitive compare!
Also, based on what I read in the source code, I figured out how the 
locale is determined and used. I created a new section in my 
documentation that shows a few examples and indicates how to change the 
settings for testing. The actual snippet of code that does this is as 
 LanguageType eLangType = 
 pTransliterationWrapper->loadModuleIfNeeded( eLangType );
 nRetValue = pTransliterationWrapper->compareString( rStr1, rStr2 );

Yep, it pulls the value from the application language settings, so that if I set that to Turkish for the application, I can test in Turkish.

  Print StrComp("ı", "I", 0)  ' compare Turkish dotless i with upper case i
  Print StrComp("i", "I", 0)  ' compare lower case i to upper case i

returns 0 and 1. If I change back to English US, this evaluates as -1, 0.

I will be pushing a change to my web site shortly, complete with updated code examples (in section 7.3 of OOME) and an explanation.
Thanks to all for the pointers and thanks to Jim Caughran for the 
exchange that then had me thinking about this.
Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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