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On Thu, 24 Feb 2011 06:54:33 -0600
Sonic4Spuds <> wrote:

Just checked synaptic and all of the files in the ppa are listed as 
version rc4. Also made sure that it is getting the latest
list from the ppa.
There are natty versions for 3.3.1. Beware of partial updates
however: Currently there is amd64 build for 3.3.1~rc2-1ubuntu2
fnished in the ppa, while the i386 build (which also builds the arch
independant stuff like libreoffice-java-common) is not finished yet.

Backports for maverick will be added later.

The ppa name is listed as lp-ppa-libreoffice/maverick   if there is a 
different ppa that is official and the one I have is not then let me
just to clarify: there is nothing "official" about a ppa by definition.
If it is official, it is in the main repository.

Best Regards,



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