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From: Tom Cloyd <>
Sent: Thu, 28 July, 2011 9:04:22
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Re: Base record access unacceptably slow

, On 07/28/2011 12:53 AM, Tom Cloyd wrote:
On 07/28/2011 12:44 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 27/07/11 18:14, Tom Cloyd a écrit :

That command appears to have cut 5 seconds off the record pointer move
test, and also off the full db search test I ran previously.

Well better than nothing I suppose, but I do sympathise. Did the JDK/JRE
change suggested by someone else help any further ?


Am just about to make the switch - will let you know asap! I'm very hopeful. 
And I've decided to switch to sqlite when I'm not so rushed. Have heard that 
that's where LO's going anyway.


Ug. This is getting ugly really fast. I'm really not on home ground  here at 

After 15 minutes of trying to make sense of what I found at, I downloaded
sun-java6-bin_6.22-0ubuntu1~10.04_i386.deb and

sun-java6-jre_6.22-0ubuntu1~10.04_all.deb, following the thread at

Then I did this at a console, with the following result:

tomc@LDT:~/software_archive$ sudo dpkg --unpack 
[sudo] password for tomc:
dpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 38010 package 
error in Version string 'wx-11.3.1-1': version number does not start with digit
dpkg: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 40706 package 
error in Version string 'wx-11.3.1-1': version number does not start with digit
dpkg: warning: downgrading sun-java6-bin from 6.26-1natty1 to 
(Reading database ... 190655 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to replace sun-java6-bin 6.26-1natty1 (using 
sun-java6-bin_6.22-0ubuntu1~10.04_i386.deb) ...
debconf: unable to initialize frontend: Dialog
debconf: (Dialog frontend requires a screen at least 13 lines tall and 31 
columns wide.)
debconf: falling back to frontend: Readline
sun-dlj-v1-1 license has already been accepted
Unpacking replacement sun-java6-bin ...
Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils ...
Processing triggers for menu ...
dpkg-query: warning: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 38010 package 
error in Version string 'wx-11.3.1-1': version number does not start with digit

Most of this is just garble to me,

THIS is scary: "dpkg: warning: downgrading sun-java6-bin from 6.26-1natty1 to 
I said UNPACK, not INSTALL. What's this "downgrading" nonsense? Then this: 
"Preparing to replace sun-java6-bin 6.26-1natty1" Huh? All this on an "unpack". 
This is beyond scary. This is nuts. What's up with this???

Then, and this is the main problem - where's the result of the command? I 
expected the unpack to put files in a dir, in the same dir as the DEB file. 
Isn't this usually what happens when one unpacks a file? But there's nothing 

I'm in freefall right now. Don't know what just happened, don't know what to do 
next. Can anyone help?

Guess I'm not going to get any db work done tonight, after all. Not a good day.


Don't worry about downgrading a package.  It's easy to upgrade again if you need 
to do that later.  Sometimes packages suffer from regressions making it 
important to downgrade.  Wine has often suffered from this.
Regards from
Tom :)

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