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On 24/03/2020 19:03, sophi wrote:

I wonder why it has not been sent to the FR community? if you want help,
I guess it's there that you'll find it.
Ok. Sure, no issue. Which mailing do you want me a translation of this
email to be sent to? discuss@fr, qa@fr or users@fr?

Well you know my opinion on that, less tweets and more quality is also a
Yes I know your opinion, and you now mine: nowadays, to attract and have
more reach you have to lower quality or at least be less formal to
attract new people. :( That's a situation not only available for
LibreOffice, but every organization is concerned. Those not investing in
a CM are loosing reach. :(

You should send them to ASK/fr, as already mentioned, tweeter if far
from a knowledge base, you have to repeat yourself at each time and that
doesn't benefit other users.
Forgot to mention in the previous mail, when I got an original question
not asked on Ask, I write it myself on Ask and answer to it in order to
don't loose track of it.

Nowadays, people wants an answer ASAP. Heiko tends to agree with me on
this topic. Even if the answer has been answered multiple times, asking
them to go on our Ask instance will lead to discouragement, and
redirecting to Ask is the same work as copy-pasting a previous tweet :)

It's not about finding an answer. The issue is the amount of questions.
I already have a answer for *nearly all* cases on Twitter. After one
year, I know exactly what to search for in previous tweets to do a copy
paste, tweak it a bit and publish the answer :)

If I was better at machine learning, most of the question could be
answered by an AI :)

Today I've received around 20 call for help
on my phone, after a quick discussion on who we are, I've sent them to
Ask, otherwise, my answers would be lost.
Wow. Wondering where they get your phone details from :/

As I told you and them, I'll can support the twitter account, but imho,
it's better find more people in the FR community. I'm sure some of them
would be happy to help.
Publishing this email on the fr mailing list will help, I'm sure :) Wil do.

I usually translate the major release announcement, and Jean-Baptiste
has is own template for minor ones. This task could completely removed
from your plate if you wish, it was working well between Jean-Baptiste
and me until you jump in.
Yep. Before, you only had a mailing list and a translation to do, now
twitter and the blog come into the equation. We need to find a proper
resilient pipeline to make things smooth :)

But actually after 2 big released (since the FR blog was born in Oct
2019), there is indeed a pattern. I noticed Italo is using nearly the
same messages only tweaked and now, the more the time elapses, the more
we have twitter+blog templates ready to go :)

I can help if needed, not all have to be translated also.
I'll get back to you on this topic if I cannot complete the deadline on
time :)

there is a lot to publish to help education sector, I'll work on the
next week-end, if my situation permit it.

Yes, please share, sure! The latest tweets I have published were all
concerning the education sector. So if you have other idea, please share! :)

again, send them to ASK, this is where we provide help to users that
serves other users
Asking in the FR community would help.
It's for the twitter account, the FR community is also on the lists and
should be informed and concerned at first.
Will do.

Have a nice evening,


William Gathoye
Hyper<hack>tive volunteer for LibreOffice
Proud member of The Document Foundation
Member of LaMouette - French based association promoting ODF and LibreOffice

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