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1.) What do you think about LibreOffice as it stands today?

The  best and most compatible competitor of evil Microsoft Office. The
program those will choose who do not get along with stupid
ribbon-interfaces, those who don't want to steel or pay too much, those
who detest the market leader and those who politically like with the
idea of open-source.
An open and free alternative that has great potential but might be seen
as out-dated by superficial people who think that everything that looks
newer is better.

1a) What aspects of the User Interface do you like? Why?

The dynamic appearance of toolbars (like the table toolbar for example),
the startup window where the user can choose the document type, the
search bar on the top,

1 b) What aspects of the User Interface do you dislike? Why?

-The function-menus on top of the UI are not sorted in a very logical
way (there should be more categories. For example in the "Extras"
Category there are many functions that don't seem to have a lot in common).
-The color choosers only have 96 colors to choose from. I'd prefer
-It should be much easier to get customized macros into the menu-bar.

2.) How could LibreOffice better suit your needs in terms of UI?

-If there were modes like "scientific writing" or "just want to write a
simple letter" or "I want the full UI" it might be helpful for working
more productive.
-I know that the current development has the opposite direction but I
would like to have more dropdown menus for more categories who have less

3.) What would you like to see LibreOffice become?

-A multi-device (also mobile!!!!) office suite that can do everything
but also has a light mode the user can switch to.

Best regards

Am 20.06.2011 02:09, schrieb Scott Pledger:
Hey all,

While we're trying to come up with goals for LibreOffice, I'd like to
see what people think of LO as it stands today.  Please please please
take the time to respond to this as it can really help us to determine
where exactly we ought to go!


1.) What do you think about LibreOffice as it stands today?

   a) What aspects of the User Interface do you like? Why?

   b) What aspects of the User Interface do you dislike? Why?

2.) How could LibreOffice better suit your needs in terms of UI?

3.) What would you like to see LibreOffice become?


More specific surveys will follow, once I have a better idea of what
to ask! :)


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