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Friedrich Strohmaier wrote on 2011-11-18 01:36:

Ah, You have a certain result in mind (keep mangling), and want to
to achieve this by time pressure?

no, but I want to move on.

Well it's about 2 minutes for You to do the technical change and a whole
day or more to do the changes in the netiquette, so either way You'll
win the race.

There were also calls to make this list a private one - why no hurry

Because I got exactly three replies for that topic, when I asked if this was desired. But Michael has been asking for ages to make this change, and several other people supported it, so I'd like to get it done.

So: Many people complain and raise their voice => more important
Just a few people complain => less important

Makes sense? ;)

So from my point of view it's easy: just take the task from your desk,
and wait for my ping. No ping - mangling kept, blame me! ;o))

Honestly, I'd like to get this done rather soon now. So, when - roughly - do you expect you find time?


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