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this change is supposed to be transparent for L10n and
Documentation teams, but they should know :-)
It does not seem transparent for the few languages that do not use pootle (sl and sr) please do not 
forget those.

It does also influence the help repo (of course), since the change will be a very big commit.

[Or - any objections to this change?]
No objections as I think it is a good and welcome change, just a question.

As we discussed in ESC (and Oliver sort of pushed) it seems the goal is to move away from .xhp to 
.xhtml (if I understood it correct). If decided do we then want to do that as a set of small steps 
or make 1 script that does it ?

Please just see this as a question of how often to we want to run these conversions.

have a nice weekend
jan I.


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