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On 6 March 2012 19:56, Michael Stahl <> wrote:
On 06/03/12 18:12, Michael Meeks wrote:
On Tue, 2012-03-06 at 19:08 +0200, Noel Grandin wrote:
Don't see why we shouldn't maintain our own patched copy of gmake the
same way we maintain patched copies of other components.
      There was a long discussion about this at the ESC :-) and I disagree
with the decision, am still suffering slower builds from it on all my
machines, but don't much feel like re-opening it personally.
uhm, wasn't one of the reasons for picking GNU make that "it's standard,
and available everywhere, and we won't get stuck in the situation where
we have to maintain our own build tool" ?
That could be a reason but when now turns out that also GNU make sucks,
why we couldn't change our mind ?
From what I read here on the dev ML I understood it's ~impossible to get
our patches upstream so there is no other option than build again our own make.
It's small and builds nicely (I think), so hopefully that's easy.
The problem with patched 3.81 being faster than 3.82 can be hopefully
also solved.

Of course there can be also real disadvantages, I just can't see them.
Anyway, don't take me too much seriously, just my 2 cents.

All the best,


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