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On 11/22/2011 07:06 AM, Cor Nouws wrote:
after the make, make install runs fine for some time but finishes with
these last lines:
Entering /home/cono/src/git/libo_core/instsetoo_native/util

dmake: line 239: Warning: -- Prior to dmake 4.5 only one
%-target per target-definition worked reliably. Check your makefiles.

dmake: line 294: Warning: -- Prior to dmake 4.5 only one
%-target per target-definition worked reliably. Check your makefiles.

No EPM: do no packaging at this stage

Multiprocessing build is finished
Maximal number of processes run: 2
Installing in /usr/local/lib/libreoffice...
mkdir /usr/local/lib/libreoffice: Acces refures at
/home/cono/src/git/libo_core/solenv/bin/ooinstall line 49
Do you need to tell "make install" where to install it to (looks like it 
uses /usr/local/lib as default prefix, maybe we accept a --prefix 
configure switch?).


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