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On Sunday 22 of July 2012, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
Hi all,

currently we again have the problem that we get no current WIN Master
builds on the Tinderbox Server.

I see some successful builds (?) on
<>, especially
Win-x86_6, but there is no build for download on
 Nightlies have been broken since *Env*.sh removal, the nightlies code has not 
been updated for . I've fixed that, whoever has a tinderbox 
uploading nightlies, please update.

 There was one more thing broken. The recent changes to get dev-install 
working changed the package format built in the 'build' target to .zip, so 
there was no .msi package to upload. I've reverted that change and moved the 
FORCE2ARCHIVE part to dev-install, but this whole 'build' target looks broken 
to me. What's the point of building a .msi archive there? Especially now with 
dev-install that looks completely pointless and it should have its own 
target. Does somebody understand this perl install cruft?

 Lubos Lunak


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