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Right click on the icon on the desk top and select Pin to Start or Pin to
Taskbar, whichever suits you best.

On Sun, 20 Sep 2020, 17:36 Philip Jackson, <> wrote:

On 20/09/2020 17:52, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 20/09/2020 10:09, Philip Jackson wrote:
I do have the feeling that originally LibreOffice did appear in the
start menu but perhaps my memory fails me. Or did a Windows 10 update
remove the listing from the Start Menu?
Any suggestions about how to get LO and its modules to appear
(reappear) in the start menu?
It must have been a recent Windows update. I just discovered that the
various Amazon apps like Kindle Previewer, Kindle Create are now missing
from the Start menu. They were definitely there on Wednesday 16th Sept
because I used Create to make a kindle version of an ebook on that date.
Avid Sibelius notation software no longer appears in the Start Menu and
nor do Dragon Dictate and Scrivener. Looks like everything non-Microsoft
has disappeared from the Start Menu. I can find and launch them through the
search button so all is not lost.
Well, I was always used to weird things happening with Windows and I
have read a lot over the years about problems created by Windows update but
this is the first time I've had a problem.

A small footnote : I have 2 accounts on W10, my user account and my admin
account. The admin account still has a complete Start Menu. Only the user
account has lost all the non-Microsoft stuff.


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