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What I don't get, though, is, when you've already finished the icons some
time ago - as it seems - then why are they not used in the official 3.3
release of LibO?
And another thing (don't get me wrong here, I really only want to know where
we are atm): the current logo. Is it "the" final version?

2011/2/19 Tobias Bernard <>

yeah, i know, i wanted to sign up on the wiki already last week but i
really didn't have the time to do it;)

i've alredy discussed the icon stuff with christoph and he told me kind
of the same you did now, but i'd really like to improve the icons in
some way. if not now, at least within the next releases...
i know you discussed all that but i (and i'm not the only one) simply
think they could look better.

i'd like to work on the various stuff that is still needed, but, to be
honest, i don't have enough time yet. if i can find the time i will do
something but please don't expect too much;)


Am Sonntag, den 20.02.2011, 03:47 +1100 schrieb Nik:
Hi Tobias and Johannes,

On 2/20/2011 2:36 AM, Johannes Bausch wrote:
The coulored backgrounds would look good for the app icons, the ones
white background for the file icons. The ones with black border look
2011/2/19 Tobias Bernard<>

the proposals;)
Tobias, first, welcome to the Design team, I'm sure one of the leads
will drop in momentarily to give you the run-down =)
Your Designs are nice, the coloured ones though, lack a
visual-association with a paper "document".
If you were going for more of an application look, it might be better to
hint at the UI a bit more?
And while I understand the Design temptation to space the "lines" in the
writer icons more evenly, they now lack a semblance to "dummy text"

In any case, I just wanted to mention some back-story about the reasons
for the colouring of the icons.
- The coloured outline of the icons was used to suggest a
coloured/categorised "folder" containing the document
- The light-grey inner outline was used to communicate the depth of a
paper stack
- The white interior was retained to capitalise on user's familiarity
with the affordances of paper (white: write-able, greyed corners:
It took Bernhard, Christoph, Ivan, Jaron and Paulo many iterations
before it was just "right".
And now that they are finished, to the satisfaction of this team, our
focus has shifted to the next Design task: fund-raising.
While I don't mean to dissuade you from contributing work on the icons,
I think it's only fair to tell you that the icons are pretty much "done"
and won't need to be touched for a while.
Well not re-designed anyway, only finalised, by the above Designers.

We could really use your hand on the fund-raising drive though;

Would you be up for that?
Alternatively, there's plenty of stuff going on here;

and be sure to add yourself to the new page of Design contributors;


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