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I have upgraded Win7 to Win10, and have LO4.4.5 installed. So far, no problems with LO.
Blessings, Joe Conner, Poulsbo, WA USA

On 08/01/2015 03:51 PM, Tim---Kracked_P_P---webmaster wrote:
Has anyone, besides me, installed the Win10 free upgrade that came out July 29-30? I downloaded the ISO file[s] for the needed upgrades and have upgraded one machine for testing.
DELL Inspiron 1525 - 64-bit dual core @ 2.0 GHz, 3.0 Gig RAM, etc. -
originally ran Vista 32, upgraded to Win7 Pro 64-bit, and now has Win10 Pro 64-bit
I have loaded LibreOffice 4.4.5.

The default "theme" for the package's "window" is a little bland. "Blander" than the default for Win7.
I am testing this system for Win10 usage, but I am using LO as well.
I hope to do a lot of "things" with that system over the next week.

Has anyone on this list[s] have tried Win10 and tested LO 4.4.x on that system?
I will be looking at adding some menu background graphics [via 
Firefox's options].
But in the original default install, the "window's" look and feel is 
not good.
It just does not look as well as it did when I had the system running 

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