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Me again.. Right up front, this is a rant. I can't believe I'm the only one with it.

I just had  to tell LO Writer how to spell "disproven". Seriously people? Admittedly, I do tend to write technical.  But come on, "disproven"? I have found, and added, a couple dictionaries, and lots of words.  Finding compatible dictionaries can be an issue. Does anyone know of a source of compatible dictionaries I can grab for Writer and add. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's the temperature, 92F, 33.3C, but I've even had to add common English words, to me anyway. Maybe my vocabulary is just different. This is really getting to me. It's getting harder and harder to write a page that the spell checker can't deal with. (Yes, I know I ended a sentence with a preposition. I refer you to Winston Churchill.)

Thank you for any help, as always.


Chris Johnson
Ex SysAdmin, now, writer /Philosophy n. a discussion of ideals, most of which do not apply to the human animal in situ.
/(Tobi Anue)

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