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At 17:23 24/09/2020 -0400, Vince Bonly wrote:
LO: Version: ...
I am working with the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines, and need to use formulas within Calc that include exponential powers. So, how is [...] written in Calc formulas notation?
1. n Squared
See Lesson One in "How to use a spreadsheet program" - or perhaps 
Lesson One in Elementary Mathematics.
2. A = *sin*^*-1* **[ a*sin(B) / b ]
Impossible. First, most of those asterisks make no sense. And the 
sine function makes no sense without any argument. Or do you mean 
what is in square brackets (stripped of some asterisks) to be the 
argument of the arcsine function?
3. Square Root of n
See "square root" in the built-in help text. Or perhaps search . Or possibly see the answer to 1.
Brian Barker  

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