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On 16/05/2019 14:41, Thomas Viehmann wrote:
To move this forward or abandon:
0. I had half hoped that someone would step in and say that needing to pass a sequence of Any wrapped in a single Any to an interface is a rare thing. 1. If we were to form the opinion that not that many extension will be impacted, would this be changeable or do we prefer to not apply breaking changes at any rate? 2. If 1. is yes, would investigating github projects featuring "import uno" and checking whether and how they use "Any" interfaces be an OKish assessment method?
Lets hope that somebody else with an actual interest in PyUNO steps in 
for the above.
One further question is whether you'd want to do the change only for 
Python string tuples, or also for further kinds of Python tuples whose 
elements are all mappings of some UNOIDL type other than string?
3. Independent of 1 and 2, maybe it would be a good idea to accept constructed Any values when the UNOIDL signature demands Any to avoid having to go through uno.invoke. I think having to spell Any("[]String", ...) instead of ... is still much better than going through invoke. Also it might be nice to annotate known cases of needing to do this for Python in the API docs.
If with "API docs" you mean the comments in the {off,udk}api/ *.idl 
files:  I'd prefer to keep those language-binding--agnostic.


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