Hi Alex,
2012/8/3 Alexander Wilms <alexander.wilms@zoho.com>:
this is my first patch, so I don't really what the procedure is.
If it's alright, can I push it?
Thank you very much for your contribution! I will check your patch and
push it as soon as I find some time (should definitely be done before
I do not expect that you have a freedesktop account and hence commit
rights to the official Git repository...and even then I would not
suggest pushing directly since, as you write, this is your first
Can you please also send a license statement to the mailing list (see
e.g. <http://nabble.documentfoundation.org/license-statement-td3999073.html>)?
Otherwise we cannot integrate your patch and that would be pity...
For more regarding the procedure of patch contribution please have a
look at the related wiki pages under
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