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I tried the same action with LibreOffice on Windows 11. No crash. Works as I expected.

Den 29.10.2023 17:09, skreiv
Hi Philip,

yes I also have this error and have reported it:

Maybe you like to put it on CONFIRMED.

Kind Regards

Am 29.10.2023 um 15:24 schrieb Philip Jackson:
LO Writer on Windows 10

I was checking to see what the options were in Format > page style > Area tab.
Initially, this tab shows 'None'. When I click on any other button, 
(Color, Gradient, Image ...) I see the set of options available. When 
I then click on any other button Writer falls over and the 
application closes down.
I can restart and recover the file ok. Then I retry using a different 
button to start with - I get the options displayed correctly. I click 
any other button (including 'None') and Writer falls-over again.
I've repeated this many times and Writer falls over every time a 
second button is clicked on the Area tab.
This only happens on my Windows10 box. On my linux box using LO the behavior is normal and I can pass between any of the Area 
tab's possibilities with no fall-over.
Has anybody else seen this type of failure with (or any other 
version) on W10?

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