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Hi David

Thanks for testing. I've seen this issue when upgrading for as long as I
can remember longer than LibreOffice been around. I'm not sure if it is at
every upgrade but I often need to reselect the java version from

Den onsdagen den 4:e september 2013 skrev David Goldfield:

I've been using LO 4.0.5 Writer with NVDA and accessibility support worked
well.  When I installed 4.1.1, accessibility support became broken.  With
the assistance of our sighted systems administrator, he was able to get me
up and running and I wanted to share what he discovered.
When he enabled a.t. support, it asked him to select a JRE.  I only have
Java 7/25 installed but he went to the advanced options and checked use a
JRE.  Even when he did this, the Java version remained unchecked and he had
to manually check this version as well.  This was the only version which
appeared in the list of JRE installations.  I'm wondering if the
installation could manage this a bit better so that it might check the JRE,
especially if only one is installed.

David Goldfield
Computer Technology Instructor
919 Walnut Street
4th Floor
Philadelphia, PA  19107

215-627-0600 ext 3277
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Serving Philadelphia's and the nation's blind and visually impaired
population since 1874.

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