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On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 09:11:43AM +0200, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

1) Cygwin has packages (but too old, not 9.0) that seem rather
  unpatched and to be built with a rather plain "./configure &&
  make". So on Windows, the internal PostgreSQL should IMHO be put
  into shape to build without too much effort / problem.
Note, however, that Cygwin is Unix (even if "hosted" on top of
Windows). That some software is portable to Cygwin doesn't really
say anything about its portability to Windows.
From what I read on the wiki, building LibreOffice on Windows requires
Cygwin anyway; and AFAIK, cygwin creates real Windows PE/COFF
executables and libraries, no? As this is C code and not C++ code
(where the ABI is compiler-dependent...), does it matter?



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