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Well, if the below article [link] is true, and long time "fans" of MS Windows do not like it, they might want to look into some replacement for it, like Ubuntu. At best though, then might live with Win8, but switch away from MSO in favor to LO. It is much easier to drop MSO than Windows and MSO. One reason why many people did not like MSO 2007 was the new "ribbon" design for its menus. I read an article that stated the menu system of Win8 will be a version of a "ribbon" menu system, making it harder to use if you want to do more than the "default" thinks being done with a tablet "pc". If you want to setup you desktop different than the defaults, you will have a struggle, compared to previous versions.
So if Win8 and the next version of MS Office are going to have some 
degree of "radical redesign", then LibreOffice will benefit from people 
leaving the MS market.
Also MS/ODF file format was never any good.  They really do not want to 
use that open format, since they have their own.  2007 version of ODF is 
much worse than 2010's version, so I have been told.  There was the Sun 
"filter", which I had with my last version of MSO [2003], and I was told 
it worked better than MSO's ODF version included.  I wonder if you can 
use that "filter" with 2007?  I has 2003 and that filter on an XP and a 
Vista laptops when I was running MSO with OOo.  Have not used MSO for 
almost 2 years now, so I do not know how well things work with it 
anymore.  I switched to Ubuntu and LO for my desktop and one of my two 
laptops.  One Windows system was needed for one of my USB devices, but I 
do not have MSO on it any more.

"The mobile market gets a lot of attention, but the PC market isn't gone just yet. That's why Microsoft is plunging full speed ahead on the next version of Windows. What Microsoft is showing off so far looks like a radical redesign for the popular operating system. In fact, it's so radical it might turn off longtime fans"

On 10/03/2011 09:16 AM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
On 03/10/2011 14:04, webmaster for Kracked Press Productions wrote:
MS wants to control everything to do with the office suite and computer software markets.
Agree with that - witness the debate on the UEFI Secure Boot that MS 
will be requiring OEM Vendors to implement in order to carry the 
"Windows 8" logo on their products.
Read about that here:
They are loosing that control slowly. They are now using a form of ODF in the most current office packages, so ODF is slowly creeping into MS's world.
There are even people on the MS Answers forum recommending LO as a 
replacement Office suite!
However some of the implementation of ODF in MS Office 2007 is broken 
- for example if you open an ODS document in Excel all the formulae 
are stripped out to be replaced by values only! (What use is that I 
ask myself?) Whether that has been fixed in Office 2010 I don't know. 
(I don't intend to find out unless I am forced to!)
So to answer the question:  ODF is the future, but for now you must 
be able to use the other file formats that are part of the office 
I certainly agree with that - there will come a time when critical mass may force the opposite!

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