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For the NA - Spanish language DVDs:

There was an issue with the main menu when you are viewing the pages for Writer, Calc, and the other Modules via the Module page. The main menu would not display correctly. That has been fixed. The problem was a div id=" " that was not the correct value.
So for those who wish to test the Spanish language version of the North 
American Community DVD, here are the two links.


Some of the main pages are not translated, yet.

The Documentation page has no Spanish documents, but the documentation people are starting to work on that issue. It would be nice to see the Spanish communities giving them a hand in translating these documents.
The Extras [programs] is not translated, but many of the packages will 
ask you for your default language during its install, or the links will 
point you to the Spanish versions.
There needs to be more help with the translations for the Extensions and 

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