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On Sat, May 09, 2015 at 02:31:16PM +0200, David Tardon wrote:
At the very least, you would need to be consistent about passing
--host and --build to the externals:
Cross-compilation support for the bundled projects was added to these
that needed to be cross-compiled. Doing it for all of them would be a
lot of effort for no immediate gain. Instead, people interested in
cross-compilation are expected to fix things themselves.
All of the libraries used on the target machine need to be cross

What is your motivation then?
The customer wants this. 

The same goes for the many --without-foo and --disable-bar options.
Many of these don't work.
Examples, please?

There are others, too.  Sorry, I've been through so many bad
combinations, but I didn't keep notes about this.

(I do have more specifics about and the makefiles.)

Like I said, at the end I'll try to give feedback about where the
issues are, but I don't expect being able to really clean this all
up.  That would be a ton of work.

Well, the customer is always right, you know. ;^)



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