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The options you changed is only for inside libreoffice. It is used when you
save a new document you're currently editing.

If you're using Right click->new->text document from outside, like in the
windows explorer, it's not taken into account. Instead it use an empty
template file set-up during the libreoffice installation. This mean that
when you open it this way, it's not a "new" document, since windows already
created it from an .odt file.

If that's your case, use the new function from inside LibreOffice (File
menu->new) or look for a way to add a .doc template to your system new menu
(for example in windows, you can put an empty .doc file in the
C:\Windows\ShellNew folder to do so).

Cley Faye

2012/2/6 Rafael Shemesh <>

Hello, i tried to set save as by default the .doc type, but it's not
working for me.
Tools>Options>Load and Save>General>
Default file format and ODF settings..
Document type
Text document  > Always save as
Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP/2003
But when i create a new text document file it's created as .ODT.

Steps of creating new file..
Right mouse click >NEW> New text document.. And it's always .odt :))

I'm a student, all our lecturers are using microsoft office, so I need to
send them the .doc file, i know that i can save as manually to .doc, but i
wanted it automatic.

Thank you

Rafael Shemesh
My Stupid Blog -

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